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Friday, June 20, 2008

To: Immature People Out There  

Some people always assume that they are always right.

Some people think they are more superior to others.

Some people think they are just and speak of the truth when they themselves are sometimes in the wrong.

Some people think they are pure at hearts but in fact they are just disguising their evil thoughts with pretty exteriors.

Since past is already been a past tense, why keep harping over it.

You keep telling everyone you are a nice person, yet your words and actions meant another.

If you don’t want people to know about you, hide and keep low profile but yet you keep appearing.

Respect other people first then others will respect you in turn.

Respect other people’s thoughts although you might not like it. You can attempt to change but you can’t force them to change their thoughts. When you can’t change their thoughts, you become unhappy and started all those scenes. It can only make you look immature.

If you think you are right but why there are some many going against you?

When you think you are SOOOO good but actual fact is that the stuff you had done had already reflected upon you.

Just my 2 cents worth of thoughts, not targeting any particular person. You will feel offended because you are guilty of what you have done as the stuff I had written just hit your sore spot. Anyway, what I had written down is what I felt and experienced over certain matters that had happened over the past week.

What next?

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