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Friday, August 1, 2008

random tots.....  

Lots of thoughts had been running through my head.

Just read an unwed young mummy’s blog. It’s very brave of her to keep the baby despite her ex-boyfriend wanted to abort her. It’s very brave of her not to run away from the problem unlike her ex.

It makes me wonder what if the same situation happens to me. What will be my decision?? I believed that I will do the same as the unwed young mummy.

Sometimes men can such a selfish bastard. Oh well……

Something sweet happened yesterday….. Dear came down to have lunch with me and also to pick up my mum’s wallet (as she forgot to bring it with her) to pass to her at JP. He had mentioned something that I felt so sweet and loved….. Heheh…..

Got to keep on brain washing myself. Keep reminding myself that I can’t please everyone and I can’t be everyone’s best friend or buddy. It’s their decision and I can’t change it.

Talking about war in my previous blog entry. Found out some stuff when they are distracted by other matters. Time to act blur and throw the bait. Purpose is to test whether someone is bias or not. If that person is, I’ve evidence to prove but I doubt the person will bite it. Even so, I’ve made my point to that person that it will take more to get me into trouble.

What next?

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